Photo of Aramis Santos Soto Cuba

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Curriculum Vitae


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78.74 x 78.74 in
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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Aramis Santos Soto

Age: 30 years

Date of birth: 5 September , 1977

Sex: Male

State civil: Single

Permanent ID No.: 77090507889

Home Address: Avenida 164, Building D-64, apartment 20, Zona 7, Alamar. Habana del Este. Havana

115% "> Profession: Visual Artist

Phone: 7650274

Solo Exhibitions:

Dale dominated water. Gallery: San Alejandro Peláez Díaz.


2006: Participation in the small hall format Fayad Jamis. " Mariano ceramic work. Expo. "Breathe Life." Mariano Rodriguez Gallery, Villa Panamericana. Works Installative "Give water to Domino," "Access Forbidden" and "Value" (with Norberto P. Carmona). Expo. "In the distant to close. " Work "off." Mariano Rodriguez Gallery, Villa Panamericana. Expo. "Among Friends" in honor of Joseph R. Villa. Mariano Rodriguez Gallery, Villa Panamericana. Expo. "Priapus" 23 c Vedado, Belkis Ayon Gallery.

2005: Fifth Room Installation "Juan Francisco Elso. Mariano Rodriguez Gallery, Villa Panamericana. Work "Give water to Domino." Diploma and prize Provincial Center of Visual Arts and Design (CPAD).

2004: Work "Lennon thing," Provincial Center Gallery of Art and Design. " Participation in the exhibition "Sketch for a possible show," Transforming work of verbal discourse in dramatic discourse, Gallery "Avellaneda" National Theater of Cuba. Participation in the IV Lounge SOS Work "Greening Youth." Expo. "Abaname" Model of Havana.

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2003: Expo. Instructor third room of the municipality beach. Work "Wrapped in shadows." Gallery "Servando Cabrera Moreno." Expo. Illustration in tribute to the work of Dulce Maria Loynaz. José Martí Memorial, Plaza of the Revolution. Expo. yes "> In the cultural center" Rafaela Chacon Nardy. "Exhibition Singular voyage. Works" unique boat "and children happy." Lennon Exhibition. Book "Lennon something else." Gallery "Cervando Cabrera Moreno"; Gallery "Sunday Ravenet" Gallery of San Miguel del Padrón; Her-Car Gallery, Gallery 23 and 12; Gallery "Concha Ferrant" Gallery October 10, gallery "Wifredo Lam" Center Gallery of Art and Literature ", Gallery" Fayad Jamis ", Gallery Arts Center of Cattle ; Gallery Cotorro.

10pt "> 2002: Expo. Second Municipality Hall Beach Instructors. Gallery" Cervando Cabrera Moreno. "Expo. As a member of Brush Free group. Infomed Gallery. Installation project "The Box", Plaza Vieja.

2001: Expo. Participating as a guest in the First Hall of the municipality of Playa instructors. Work "Waiting for you." Gallery "Cervando Cabrera Moreno. "

2000: Competition "For a millennium free from hunger." Work "for a millennium free from hunger." Convened by the Centre for Development of Visual Arts. Habana Vieja. Competition of the First Biennial of Painting Buena Mar. Spain, Salinas, Asturias. Work "Queen of the Caribbean"

1998: Exhibition "House of Mexico." Work on miscellaneous "Gladiolus Hummingbird." Expo. "Centro Pablo de La Torriente Brau. " Work on miscellaneous "Gladiolus Hummingbird." Expo. "Science and Technology Forum of tourism." VII Ibero-American Exhibition of Tourism Symposium Havana.

1995: Competition "José Martí". Centro Pablo de La Torriente Brau. Work "Metal Head", 1st place.


Course Rating cultural promoters.


Fifth Room Installation "Juan Francisco Elso. Mariano Rodriguez Gallery, Villa Panamericana. Work "Give water to Domino." Diploma and prize Provincial Center of Visual Arts and Design (CPAD). 2005

Competition "José Martí". Centro Pablo de La Torriente Brau. Work "Metal Head", 1st place. 1995


text-indent:-18pt; mso-list: l1 level1 LFO2 "> v Plate Making the House of Culture, Beach, 60 and 7ma.2001

v Plate Making the House of Culture 33 and 34, Playa.2002

0in 0pt 36pt; text-indent:-18pt; mso-list: l1 level1 LFO2 "> v Participation in the realization of scenography and poster presentation of the play "Antonia", House of Culture Playa.2004.

v Restoration work in "The Spanish house." In Playa (decorative painting). 2004.

v Atmosphere and decoration of the shop "Maya" of the Pan American Village. 2005.

v cultural Promoter Mariano Rodriguez Gallery (Villa Panamericana), Professor of Drawing at the Academy of Fine Arts "San Alejandro" .2005.

v Restoration work at Casa Vedado. " (Decorative Painting). 2006.

v Professor of Drawing at the Academy "San Alejandro". 2007

v Innkeeper of the Animation Studios of the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Industry (ICAIC)

10pt "> Education

Ø Graduated in 1997 from the Provincial Center for Crafts "Pablo de La Torriente Brau "(1st e / 32 and 34, Miramar, Playa).

mso-bidi-font-family: Wingdings "> Ø Graduated in 2005 from the Academy of Fine Arts "San Alejandro". Specialty painting.

For any management to locate Mr. Carlos Sanchez by e.mail:

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